Chill Spike

Dissecting the lunacy of conservatives from another angle.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Capitalism and Social-Darwinism

Perhaps socialism, as it was known in the past, is not the answer. But neither has capitalism proved to be an answer. I believe we are in a time where the facade of workability covering ALL current economic systems is beginning to wear thin. And the facade of Capitalism is no exception. Capitalism is extremely social darwinistic and competitive by its nature and only perpetuates inequality. Whereas Socialism at least, though unsuccessfully, tries to address the problem, Capitalism completely ignores it. The problem is not just that people are unequal. But that some people are so unequal that they can barely exist or are in circumstances that, under capitalism, will take their whole lives to dig themselves out of and reach that "happiness" we all are so desperately pursuing, if ever.

I'm sure you've seen the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness". Defenders of capitalism like to point to that movie as some kind of proof positive defense of capitalism. But, in fact, that movie is one of its greatest indictments. Every time the main protagonist in the movie lost something, like his wife, his apartment or the motel room he was staying in, it was because of the demands of capitalism. The demands of capitalism (mainly the necessity for money) and his quite genuine struggle and inability to meet them knocked every beam out from under that guys life and left him and his son sleeping in a subway system bathroom. That's capitalism for you. And the only time he was offered any kind of relief from his struggle and misery came from the quite LIBERAL and SOCIALISTIC program of a homeless shelter. The fact, in the end, that he was the only one out of hundreds of applicants to close more deals and thus land the sole available position at that dreadful company only stresses the dog-eat-dog social-darwinistic nature of capitalism all the more. It just shows that capitalism can pretty much be justifiably compared to and reduce to the struggle of hapless sperm in a race against each other to reach the egg. Only one will make it. And if your one of the millions that got sidetracked in the journey or took a wrong turn or had a bad start, well, that's too bad, isn't it?

I say socialism still IS the answer. Maybe not in any of its past forms. Perhaps more of a self-sufficient socialism is what is needed. One that utilizes current and future technology to first provide a livable platform to start from and free up the individual from dependence on not only money but dependence on other people's money...both corporate wages and charity. Socialism still offers that hope because it still recognizes sometimes a handout can also be a hand up.

Capitalism is, by its nature, opposed to handouts, and therefore can only offer more of the same competitiveness and struggle.


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