Chill Spike

Dissecting the lunacy of conservatives from another angle.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Edible Meat Can be Grown in a Lab

"Academic Paper Says Edible Meat Can be Grown in a Lab on Industrial Scale"

This has enormous implications and shows just how science and modernization is in tune with the Liberal agenda of helping others.

Conservatives always complain about giving people a "free ride" and the work ethic of capitalism but science is slowly moving in a direction, on many fronts, that will make it possible to live better without the same degree of effort, resources (money) and dependancy on the traditional capitalistic blue print required in the past. This is just one example:

If science can grow food in the lab now, the next step is mass producing this kind of food for consumers and the step after that is shrinking this technology and intergrating it in every kitchen.

One can envision "labs" the size of microwave ovens you can purchase at a your local appliance store. These "appliances" will allow consumers, at first, to complement their regular store bought food items and then, eventually, wean themselves off the traditional super market entirely.

And finally, if not immediately, this technology would be made available to the third world the help alleviate world hunger and tackle world food shortages. All huge liberal agendas.

Frankly, I don't think conservatives and their strident emphasis and consistant use of the aphorism "God helps those who help themselves" would be in any hurry to develop or exploit for others this kind of technology. They would more likely conclude it was tampering with God's divine wisdom and plan.


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